Today I was listening to a podcast i often listen to about video games. The subject of the interview said something to the effect of how she believed it was "lame" not to get into every latest bit of technology that comes out, stating "get over it, it's here to stay." (not exact quote). this actually made me kind of upset. i mean, i ultimately let it go, but at first i was bothered by it. the question is: why?
first off, why is it "lame"? everyone has different aptitudes. not everyone is as tech savvy as the next person, especially someone who designs video games for a living. furthermore, people have different interests. i love comic books, and i do honestly think that everyone should read them. seriously. but i have never called someone "lame" for not liking them. i could not give two shits about this newest "hip food" fascination (half of my tumblr feed is clogged with assholes posting pictures (sorry, "pics") of what they ate for dinner), but i don't bag on people for being into it (not out loud, any way).
also, why is it "here to stay"? because you say it is? 8 tracks, betamax, HDDVD, cassette tapes, atari 2600: all once brand new, cutting edge technology, no longer available. someone surely thought these were "here to stay". and yet, they didn't stay, did they? nope.
my overall point: technology is not going to save us. if you have devices that you enjoy, fine. but don't try to convince me that they're important. they're not. and get your head out of your goddamned phone when you're hanging out with actual living people. jeezis.
it's not a popular opinion, but i actually kind of think that this is the new dark ages. never has more information been more easily available to a greater amount of people, and never before have people been more willfully ignorant. i know people who brag about not reading. not that they're "too busy" or whatever; they straight up do not read. I... i have no words for how disgusting that is. we just don't care any more. it's all fed to us, and none of it is worth a damn. and it really doesn't seem like it's getting better. i dunno. i have no idea what to do about it, because no one cares. plus this entry is getting kinda depressing, so i'll just end it here.
i really wish i could beg like i did in a tweet earlier in the year for someone to please, please read a goddamned book, a REAL book, made of paper (you don't even have to buy it! i have a shit ton, i will give you one!), but i know no one will. oh well.
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