Friday, August 10, 2012

ah-ah-ah! You Didn't get the science accurate!

if you're anything like me, you probably watched Jurassic Park on vhs. A LOT! we had the tape when i was a youth, and having a much younger sister, she was obsessed with it. i admit to also having a fascination for Dinosaurs when i was a kid. i think a lot of kids did/do. and to be honest, i still do like them. especially now that i no longer believe in those pesky god and jesus fellows. yeah, Dinosaurs are cool.
even when you find out much later that they didn't actually look anything like what we were taught. i mean, obviously, none of were there (or were we? no. we weren't. sorry). so everything is speculation. however, despite what some may think, it's speculation based on mountains of evidence. so shut it! sorry, again.
for example, everyone's beloved T. Rex more than likely looked like this:
so luxurious.

that's right, scientists theorize that many of the dinosaurs may have had feathers. pretty crazy, and amazing, i think!

this leads me back to Jurassic Park. believe it or not, but they apparently got a lot of stuff wrong. heck, wikipedia even has a whole entry on the subject!

the best part for me is how much of the Raptors related stuff was pure-d wrong. even something as fundamental as their size. since most of you will probably not go to that wiki entry (jerks*), here's the size comparison of the real Velociraptor. hilarity ensues!

murderously adorable!


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