Saturday, August 25, 2012

Not Just Another Drop In The Ocean.

a lot of time something will speak heavily to me. i'll often use hyperbole in the form of statements like "this changed my life". many was the time i have told someone that something applied to my life/mind state or whatever at a certain time, and got at least an eye roll, at best an explanation as to why it didn't actually apply to my life, because it was really about XYZ, etc.
this happens a lot with music. the problem (but it's not really even a problem, not really, is it?) with a lot of lyrical content is that it's incredibly abstract. you can say "this line from this song applies to how i feel right now", and some wag will point out "actually, they're singing about Elvis OD'ing..." or something. fuck that shit. no one is going to tell me whether or not a lyric or theme from a song applies to my life.
oddly enough, this isn't aimed at anyone specifically. i was just thinking of it, because i'm currently listening to _Ocean Rain_ by Echo + The Bunnymen, an album that i connect with heavily on an emotional level. the lyrics themselves are probably not about anything to do with anything. but they all apply to my life because I say so. other people don't get to tell you how you feel about things or whether they apply to your life. believe that!

and while it's not from _Ocean Rain_, and it's lyrics are incredibly abstract at best, this song definitely carries a lot of emotional weight with me. especially the chorus. sorry, naysayers (not really).

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